Brave Crashes & Loses All Open Tabs - How to Recover? (no group visible)

You deleted a topic on this in 2019, without a satisfactory answer. Brave crashes without warning and all my tabs are lost. I haven’t rebooted in a while, and there is no group of tabs to restore, and finding them individually in History is impossible. I’m tired of this problem. I have OneTab, but hadn’t saved these tabs to it. How do I recover them from the internal plumbing? If I can’t, WHY can’t I? I’m a huge believer in Brave’s mission, but this ever-recurring glitch is sending me to Opera until you get it fixed. This level of fragility and risk is unacceptable in a browser.

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Hello @PressToDigitate

Thanks for bringing this to our attention and I’m sorry to hear you are going through this. Can you please go to brave://crashes and

  • if you have automatic crash reporting is enabled (Settings --> Privacy/Security --> Automatically send diagnostic reports), please respond back here with the crash report ID
  • If Automatically send diagnostic reports is not enabled, ensure you click Send on these crash reports listed on the page, then reply here with the crash report ID

Thank you.

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