I use portable version because brave browser was probably obsessed about frequent updates just like everything are crazy about updates these days. It’s stressful.
Now, I guess it won’t auto update but I get notices.
(Not sure, like windows don’t auto update softwares but I don’t know.)
Anyways I prefer portable version.
Bad thing is I keep getting update notice so often. When I get so tired of it, I just
get the latest version on portable site. But strangely this time, even though I got the latest version, it won’t stop giving me notices.
I even used
Target: C:\brave-portable\brave-portable.exe --disable-update-notifications.
This seemed like working but it still appears.
I don’t know why the foss free browser with privacy wants to update browser so much to the point they would disable users from disabling update notice in the settings.
No graphical way of (GUI) so I had to use this yet still won’t block it.
Come on. Let us disable the update notice. It’s up to us to update or not.
I already did get the latest for portable because it won’t stop bothering me.
Really love brave browser but this reminds me of ios updates and the infamous windows 10 forced updates.