Brave browser opinion

I won’t pretend to understand your disappointment for Brave Rewards, but I am certain that their is frustration on Brave’s side in working toward an efficient process for payouts to us all.

Brave is a young business. They are rewarding us via BAT, which in itself is amazing given crypto is no where close to broad adoption.

No matter what you read, Uphold is deserving of [insert positive adjective] followed by the modifier [aF].

You will receive your payout(proof attached). Brave is young, so patience is required, but exercising patience holds a huge upside as Brave’s model is obviously disruptive. Disruptive in a good way.

All of this that Brave’s employees and volunteers are undertaking…it must succeed first. So far so good. Hang in there my friend.

Lastly, posting in this thread here will help both you and Brave employees.