Brave browser not working with Virtual Cable

Description of the issue:
when using programs like VB-Audio virtual cable or virtual Audio Cable
to pass audio from computer to the virtual microphone.
the voice become choppy and crackling.
when using the same programs in MS Edge it work without a problem

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. install VB-Audio virtual cable
  2. make sure it set to default device
  3. visit site like
  4. play some music from the computer
  5. see that the virtual microphone is not working in brave.

Expected result:
audio coming from these programs should work in brave

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Additional Information:
tried the same settings and website in Microsoft edge and it work without a problem

Thank you for reaching out.
Can you try testing this behavior with Brave’s Shields down and tell me if it makes any difference in the behavior?

Thank you.

thanks for replaying.
even with Brave Shields down - I’m still having the same issue.

Using the mic directly (using Focusrite), and works fine here.

I haven’t tested the VB-Audio cable before. Does the mic work directly? Is it specific to this extension/applcation?

Ensure the mic is the “default” mic in windows, and it should be picked up. Just on the road atm, I re-check this later in the week.

thanks for replaying
my headset microphone works as well. but the VB-Audio cable does not work.
VB-Audio cable add a new device to Windows. its a standalone program.

yes its set as “default” mic in windows but like i said it become choppy and crackling.
but on Edge its working fine.

New to this software, how do I use it/basic testing to see this issue?

I don’t know what happened but it just started working.

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