Brave Browser displays a black screen upon launch; seeking solutions

Hi everyone,

Iam encountering an issue where, upon launching Brave Browser, the window opens but displays a completely black screen. I cannot interact with any elements, and the problem persists even after restarting my computer.

I have attempted to disable hardware acceleration by adding disable gpu to the target path in the shortcut properties, but this did not resolve the issue.

My system is running Windows 10 with the latest updates, and my graphics drivers are up-to-date. Other browsers function normally.

Has anyone experienced a similar problem or can suggest potential fixes? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

You might use the Guest Profile or create an additional Brave Browser Profile, for testing.

Menu → More tools → Open Guest profile
Menu → More tools → Add new profile

If your issue is resolved in the settings windows of either of those other Profiles, then the Profile that you have been using, may have one or more settings that contribute to the cause of your issue.

You might use the Advanced tab at:

  • brave://settings/clearBrowserData

and clear everything you choose - for time range: “All time”

Disable extensions that you have added.

For the following Changed Paths, the switches are intended to:

  • Start up Brave Browser, showing a New Private Window [–incognito]
  • Disable all experiments at brave://flags [–no-experiments]
  • Disable extensions [–disable-extensions]
  • Disable hardware (GPU) ie Graphic Acceleration [–disable-gpu]
  • Enable leak detection and if that failure occurs, then crash the browser [–enable-leak-detection --crash-on-failure are a combo]
  • Produce error/log output to a file named ‘brave_console_out.txt’ on the Windows OS Desktop

Changed Paths:

64 architecture (change the path to):

"C:\Program Files\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application\brave.exe" --incognito --no-experiments --disable-extensions --disable-gpu --enable-leak-detection --crash-on-failure 2> %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\brave_console_out.txt

x86 architecture (note the switches to add):

"C:\Program Files(x86)\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application\brave.exe" --incognito --no-experiments --disable-extensions --disable-gpu --enable-leak-detection --crash-on-failure 2> %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\brave_console_out.txt

Notice that the existing path, BEFORE the additions, is enclosed by double-quote marks. And, everything added to the existing path, is located after the existing path.