Overall, if you’re looking for quick answers. I recommend the Answer with AI.
Just one issue I’ve seen so far. There was a statement provided by the AI that raised some issues. And that statement was-
“According to the New Testament, Jesus was a Jewish man who lived in 1st-Century Palestine.”
The issue, Palestine was never mentioned in the New Testament, however, Judea was. I understand it’s pulling information from multiple sources, historical and biblical data. However, that statement is not providing accurate information from the First Testament. I understand the AI is doing “Data Fusion”.
Now Judea is in 1st-Century Palestine. But that’s not the First Testament says. So if you’re sourcing from the First Testament, It should provide information from the First Testament. And the potential negative aspect of that statement. Could sound like the dismissal of Judea.
Suggestion: Provide a link at the bottom of Answer with AI results. To provide feedback or inaccurate responses from the AI.