On Smartfon i want to open a link from Brave News, shown in new clear tabs, in a new tab in the same tabs group, but this is not possible?
From normal pages this is no problem.
This should be possible.
@Clemens.Ratte-Polle ,
I’ve opened the following issue to request this feature:
opened 06:55PM - 09 Dec 24 UTC
### Description
As it is right now, in Brave News, when you long-press on a lin… k you're shown the options to `Open in New Tab`, `Open in new Private tab`, `Share` and `Disable content from [the source]`:
We should include an option to open a link from News in a new tab _in group_. For users (such as myself) who may want to scroll and open several links from News before reading them, the only way to do this now is to open them all each in their own tab which creates a ton of additional tabs.
If we included the option to open the link "in group" as well, this would allow users to open all the links they want to view from News in one single tab, rather than opening a bunch of new tabs per-site.
### Steps to reproduce
### Actual result
### Expected result
### Reproduces how often
Easily reproduced
### Desktop Brave version (brave://version info)
### Android device
- Brand/model: All
- Android version: All
### Channel information
- [x] release (stable)
- [x] beta
- [x] nightly
### Reproducibility
- [ ] with Brave Shields disabled
- [ ] with Brave Rewards disabled
- [ ] in the latest version of Chrome
### Miscellaneous information
User report as well:
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