Brave auto rotates display after update

Description of the issue:
After the latest update, when I open the new privacy info on home screen and rotate device after closing it, device screen also rotates. This wasn’t happening before current version. I also check whether my device is itself on auto rotate mode but that wasn’t the case.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Open Brave.
  2. Make sure that device auto rotate setting is turned off.
  3. Click on Privacy Info icon on home screen.
  4. Close stats popup.
  5. Rotate device.

Expected result:
Display should be in it’s original mode.

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Mobile Device details
Android 10

Thanks for reaching out to us with this.
Can you check and confirm that this doesn’t happen on any other browser (specifically Chromium based browsers like Chrome, Opera, Edge, etc)? In addition to other browsers, does this behavior happen on other apps entirely? Or is it 100% specific to Brave?

I have checked on Chrome as well. This issue only occurs in Brave after I open and close the newly added Privacy info on home screen

Thank you for confirming. I’m reaching out to the team now for more information on this.


Although I’m not facing this issue!

Version :- Stable Brave 1.13.87, Chromium 85.0.4183.102

@harddy @ShineWhine,
Devs have found the issue and submitted a fix:


Thanks @Mattches and @ShineWhine.