Bottom bar shows up in horizontal

Description of the issue:
As on the title

How can this issue be reproduced? opened tabs
2 tap on any tab

Expected result:

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Mobile Device details
Android 10 Mi 9T

Additional Information:

Can you please fill out the rest of the required information – namely your mobile device details?
Additionally, can you please share a screenshot of the behavior you’re seeing?

I would love to but new users cannot add any attachments.

Can you upload it to imgur? You should be able to paste image links without issue.

Thank you for sharing. I’ve reached out to the Android team – in the interim, can you confirm for me that this only happens in Brave? Can you, for example, test another Chromium based browser (Chrome, Opera, MS Edge, etc) and see if the behavior is the same?

Screen record

And bottom bar is brave specific feature

The toolbar in Brave is specific to Brave – not the OS control options that are now appearing on the right-hand side of your screen. Are you saying that if you disable the bottom bar, the OS controls appear at the bottom as intended?

I mean that toolbar shows up at the bottom after opening tabs menu and clicking on any tab of course in horizontal mode

Looking into this – it would still be quite helpful if you can confirm for me that this is not the case when using other browsers in the same way.

Misunderstanding I called the toolbar a bottom bar.

The problem applies to toolbar.

Toolbar is visible in horizontal mode after switching between tab menu and tabs as on video i uploaded

I can confirm this issue.

Description of the issue:
Bottom toolbar visible in horizontal mode after switching tab

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Have Bottom toolbar activated in the settings and several tabs open.
  2. Open one of the tabs.
  3. Turn your phone to horizontal. The Brave bottom toolbar disappears.
  4. Switch tab. The bottom toolbar reappears. It also doesn’t go away when putting a video to fullscreen (which is especially annoying).

Expected result:
I assume the Bottom toolbar is supposed to be invisible while in horizontal mode.

Brave Version:
1.21.77, Chromium 89.0.4389.90

Mobile Device details
Android 6.0.1, STV100-4 Build/MMB29M (BlackBerry Priv)

Additional Information:
When the bug appears: Turning your phone back to vertical and then again to horizontal while staying in the tab solves the problem, as the bottom toolbar disappears when the change from vertical to horizontal is registered (doesn’t work while having a video in fullscreen). So apparently some check for current orientation is not done when switching tabs.
Bug is present in normal and private tabs.

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