Bookmarks on the left hand side

Hi James, thanks for the opportunity to contribute.

Q: do you typically launch a new tab before opening a bookmark, or replace the existing tab?
A: Both: if “a subject of current interest” tab is already open then => bookmark, otherwise => new tab => bookmark.

Regarding a solution to the real estate problem, you already have one on this page :slight_smile:

In other words, why not:

  1. Replace all the functionality you took away, the bookmark hamburger icon and my beloved Bookmark Bar [I love the ability to embed menus in it]

  2. Provide a means of alternately retracting/exposing all the controls (the URL and everything) by the user tapping on the two white lines in the centre of the orange bar.

  • It’s intuitive
  • users can choose from moment to moment whether they want to be navigating or reading
  • it adds only 1 level of indirection, a small price to pay for instant access to a non cluttered and clean “user interaction” panel
  • it allows future additions as you foreshadowed
  • you avoid the coding complication of saving and restoring preferences and the user complication of setting them
  • it provides the best of both worlds … a nice clean full screen plus maximum user interaction interface

