Blurry pictures on news sites

Which sites @S33kr ?

User referenced a few sites in a previous reply:

Refering to the signin issues, which seems to be a new issue


I don’t have performance issues but I’ll try out the new profile, here is my computer summary;
I have a windows 7 machine I use for torrents in another part of the house and it does the same thing on 2 of the news sites TGP and Breitbart, I did switch back to Firefox on that rig.

the sign-in issue was after I changed the ad block to include fanboys suggestion

I was under the impression the //adblocks were not site specific but covered all sites

Not really. If you look back, I started off trying to help and started back at square 1. Rather than responding in a help or even friendly manner, I was told


This was a disrespectful attack and made a lot of assumptions. Then the comment I made where you said was projections was just me helping to clarify I’m a regular user not affiliated with Brave, helped to explain what akismet is, etc. Nowhere in that do you see immaturity or rudeness.

What you do see is me seeing that there was an inability to communicate in that moment. Rather than continue in an argument or reach the point where I did become rude, I simply stopped the conversation.

Ideally S33kr would have just responded that they had commented but something removed it. The initial comment didn’t say that and by time said “check your watchdog akismet” then I was able to do my own research and figure out what happened. Yet at the same time, seeing the poor behavior, I had to stop things before it got worse.

You see, I had a traumatic brain injury in 2010, have PTSD, and am autistic. The reason I stopped it there is because I knew otherwise I would have began to respond in a similar fashion or worse. If you look at many of my comments here (on the Community forums), they are all usually polite and focus on giving advice to reach a solution.

I will say, if you are just now joining on this thread to make your comment today(well, 10 hours ago), you’ll not know that moderators added content that had been removed from the spam filter. That is why you can now see the answers on which websites. Yet that was an unknown before.

Anyway, let me exit out of this again because we’re not here to argue and these types of back and forth usually leads to nothing but negativity. And why I say that is even your bit of tagging me and saying I’m projecting is indeed a violation of the community guidelines you linked, as it just incites others or was there to insult someone.

So please, let’s drop it here. Fanboynz has been helping and S33kr at least has been trying to answer what they are being asked. Thus unless we have more to add towards resolving the issue they are facing, I’m not sure we should be commenting here. Have a good day. As for me, I need to keep off of this post.

Re; postings by Go-go_duck

February 3


| | ## Go-go_duck |

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I was doing just fine without your input and I’ll continue to do fine without your input please crawl back under the rock you crawled out from under, I’ll stick with those who are actually trying to help…

| Saoiray
February 3 |

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I spy with my little eye quite something beginning with Projection.

I suggest that we all take a nice deep breath and review the Community Guidelines again to refresh ourselves of our hosts’ etiquette.

Not really. If you look back, I started off trying to help and started back at square 1. Rather than responding in a help or even friendly manner, I was told



I DID RESPOND CHECK YOUR WATCHDOG AKISMET, If this is how you treat patrons I should probably go back to firefox, Oh btw I have tried everything mentioned above, Nothing worked. I didn’t just drop into this forum without researching this problem for almost a year. You should stop pointer your fingers and research the problem

This was a disrespectful attack and made a lot of assumptions. Then the comment I made where you said was projections was just me helping to clarify I’m a regular user not affiliated with Brave, helped to explain what akismet is, etc. Nowhere in that do you see immaturity or rudeness.

What you do see is me seeing that there was an inability to communicate in that moment. Rather than continue in an argument or reach the point where I did become rude, I simply stopped the conversation.

Ideally S33kr would have just responded that they had commented but something removed it. The initial comment didn’t say that and by time said “check your watchdog akismet” then I was able to do my own research and figure out what happened. Yet at the same time, seeing the poor behavior, I had to stop things before it got worse.

You see, I had a traumatic brain injury in 2010, have PTSD, and am autistic. The reason I stopped it there is because I knew otherwise I would have began to respond in a similar fashion or worse. If you look at many of my comments here (on the Community forums), they are all usually polite and focus on giving advice to reach a solution.

I will say, if you are just now joining on this thread to make your comment today(well, 10 hours ago), you’ll not know that moderators added content that had been removed from the spam filter. That is why you can now see the answers on which websites. Yet that was an unknown before.

Anyway, let me exit out of this again because we’re not here to argue and these types of back and forth usually leads to nothing but negativity. And why I say that is even your bit of tagging me and saying I’m projecting is indeed a violation of the community guidelines you linked, as it just incites others or was there to insult someone.

So please, let’s drop it here. Fanboynz has been helping and S33kr at least has been trying to answer what they are being asked. Thus unless we have more to add towards resolving the issue they are facing, I’m not sure we should be commenting here. Have a good day. As for me, I need to keep off of this post.

I’m done with brave I just deleted it from my rig, If this forum had professional help like (Mattches & Fanboys) instead of children looking to stir $ hit up arguing about nothing, basically… it says a lot about your product and where its going in the future. thanks for what help you gave Mattches and Fanboys, go go duck you should change your name to gogo d ick, honestly.
A wise man once said you know exactly whats in a person when you stir them up, their true self is revealed don’t bother replying

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