When streaming from Youtube and other sites, there is a noticeably greater audio lag on Bluetooth headphones when using Brave, than with Firefox and the same headphones.
There is no issue when using wired headphones.
Apologies for the late response.
We do not have a setting no Android for that, but AFAIK the OS/device is responsible for handling sending data to the appropriate audio channel(s). I use Brave fairly frequently with my BT headphones and haven’t noticed any significant latency issues.
One thing I would like to know is whether or not the same latency issue is present in Chrome on your device. If you don’t have it - or don’t want to install it to test - that’s completely understandable. But its unfortunately going to be a difficult problem to diagnose.
Yes, I have the same issue in Chrome (and also Dolphin and Kiwi that I tried out), but strangely there isn’t much lag in Firefox. However, Brave is a much more stable browser than Firefox, so I was hoping to get video streaming running smoothly in Brave.
Perhaps it’s the OpenH264 codec that Mozilla puts in Firefox? I can’t see anything else that would explain why all other browsers have bigger latency than Firefox.
Once again, thank you for your reply. I hope, there’s a solution, or else I will just use Firefox when streaming video with my BT headphones and Brave for everything else.
Unfortunately I don’t have a solution for you at this time. It’s definitely behavior inherited from the underlying engine if both Kiwi and Dolphin gave the same results (both use Chromium).
I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.