Block two annoying pop-ups

Description of the issue:
Block two annoying pop-ups. First one is Sharing is caring with a astronouat image which appears instantly when you open the site and the second one is if you start playing the video it ask to subscribe to premium option.

Exact URL of the website in question:

Screenshot of the ad as it appears in Brave

Did the issue present with default Shields settings? (yes/no) yes, I have even enabled custom filter list like Fanboy annoyances and even adguard annoynaces.

*Brave version (check About Brave): 1.44.105


Avoided blocking these, just too many sites and then its mirror sites. Then they’ll change the urls.

To block the 100% Free popup, you need to enable brave://flags/#brave-adblock-cosmetic-filtering-child-frames
because it is in an iframe, so cosmetics don’t work in iframes unless you enable that flag, it is for Desktop and Android so you shouldn’t have problems with it.

For the sharing one, it should only appear once, because then a cookie is created. show_share with a value true.

And it sucks because it has the anti-debugger, but when I could see this in other mirrors/sites I had to created two filters, one for the message and other for the dark transparent background that is created. Does the job, but it is hard to improve it when anti-debugger is on, and the userscript I was using is not working anymore, so it is what it is, I wish Brave or Chromium would just stop this madness with anti-debugger stuff, no script should block the use of devtools.

You could use these and individually add the domains you find with it, but you could risk it and use them as generic rules, so other sites will be covered, but probably more than the ones they are needed, this is what I have in my custom filters though:,,,,
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Did the job after enabling the flag and adding the custom filter, thanks.

During the first visit, it bugs out completely (probably due to blocking of ‘sharing is caring’ pop-up cookie). I have to reload it and then it works perfectly normally without any pop-up, neither the first one or the second one is seen. But, I have to tap play twice as the second pop-up by-product interferes.

The site admins seem to have done a good job bcuz when I tried to do with UBO element picker it created a dark blank background for sharing is caring(as you say it in your comment).

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