January 31, 2025, 3:15am
Today, for the first time ever, the beta is crashing on launch. Have no clue why. Help!!!
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Description of the issue:
How can this issue be reproduced?
Launch Beta by clicking or with the search bar.
Expected result:
Browser should launch as usual.
Brave Version( check About Brave
Additional Information:
February 3, 2025, 8:49pm
Reporting crashes
@Gordon17 can you share the crash reports from brave://crashes/?
@demanga ,
First, can you please launch Brave and go to brave://crashes and share the crash report IDs with me here so we can take a look at whats going on on our end? Additionally, are you saying that the browser crashes if “there is a ‘j’ in the search bar at any time, in any place?”
That is, if you type “Brave is great!” into the search bar, the browser will be fine but if you type “Brave is just great!”, then the browser will crash?
Enable, so Brave receives info:
February 3, 2025, 11:52pm
KNOCK!!!KNOCK1!!! Why was the build removed from TestFlight? Why no update? What’s the point of having a Beta download, on your website, if it crashes also???// What’s the point of a beta-testing program, if you leave your testers stranded???//
This is with the latest Mac OS public beta.
February 4, 2025, 12:46am
Please edit your Original Post (OP) above, to include your MacOS version numbers
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