Bat Wallet Disappears during Uphold Verification

Brave Bat Wallet previously contained BAT payout. Upon attempting to “verify” my Wallet I was referred to Uphold. Upon applying my previous BAT balance was wiped out and now Uphold will not create an account and it remains suspended.

Verify wallet with Uphold appears to have wiped out prior balance rather than sending balance over to the new wallet. Why would you have a process of verification without prompting the user that the prior wallet is going to be destroyed or permanently removed?

  1. Can my prior balance be restored?
  2. Why was my balance obliterated if I’m being told to use Uphold?
  3. Why would Uphold suspend a new applicant?

Expected result:
New Uphold account with an EXISTING balance, not zero balance.

Brave Version( check About Brave):
[Version 1.7.98 Chromium: 81.0.4044.113 (Official Build) (64-bit)]

Additional Information:
OS - Windows 10 fully updated

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