Hi team, i have verified accounts with Uphold for both my Android Ph & Windows Desktop. The Rewards shown in the “Brave Rewards” tab throughout the month are always far higher than the amount i get credited.
What Operating System and Brave version are you using? (Menu --> About Brave) v1.67.123 Chromium
Who is your verified custodian? (Uphold/Gemini/bitFlyer) Uphold
Are you in a supported region? (see here for list of supported regions) Yes Australia
@jenko60, can you provide an example? Keep in mind that the number shown in the Brave Rewards tab is a range, not an exact figure. Are you saying you’re receiving less than the smallest number in the range, or are you only looking at the larger number? For example, if your range is 2.420 to 3.917, are you receiving less than 2.420?
Hi there, thanks for your prompt response. Sure I’ve attached 2 screenshots as examples. I took them on the 30th of June 2024. If we take the low end then that’s a total of 3.709 BAT, yet i received 1.585 BAT. Thanks again for your help.