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Hi I downloaded the brave browser app first before signing up for brave account. This January 5 I accumulated BAT token. It appear on my brave app but not in my account when i check online. How’s that… I want to withdraw my token to uphold but dont know how.
Your brave://rewards wallet is a user’s in-browser wallet and have no connection with your creator account. It’s two separate wallet with different purposes. That’s why you not see it on your creator dashboard.
Withdrawal functionality is not available for mobile version. It’s coming.
For now you can keep it in your browser and wait until it’s implemented. But do note, if you uninstall Brave you may lose your BAT too because recovery keys also not yet implemented.
On my experience, transferring from BAT wallet to another BAT wallet only take a minute to an hour… With regards to brave rewards I can’t say since I haven’t redeem any BAT before
please check my attached picture…the first one is the creator wallet…you need to sign up via web…the 2nd one is the user wallet which you can found on the browser exactly (2nd picture)