Hi. I am from Romania and I would like to know if it is available in my country. On this link https://brave.com/transparency/ seems to be available but I do not receive any advertising. Thank you!
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Can you ensure that you have Brave Ads enabled in Settings --> Brave Rewards
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Yes is enabled. What else can I do?
Have you checked our Brave Ads troubleshooting guide?
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I have the same problem of IulianMarian91 my brave ads are enable, last week recived 5/6 ads per days end now 0 per days (After the problem with ads four days ago).
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Hi everybody!
Please tell me what do the numbers in this table mean?
for example United States (76) is 76
Thank you!
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The number of active ad campaigns in those country, @okt.
Yes I read but don’t work.
In my case is 2 campaign.
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