Auto contribute turned itself on new device and I lost BAT later that day

I’m using Brave on my Android device with Uphold as my wallet. I enabled Brave News on it this morning, and that was it. Later this afternoon l, Uphold emailed me saying I sent a BAT to Brave. I went into my settings on my laptop, and nothing was out of the ordinary. However, remembering my Android, those settings had auto configured auto contribute when I enabled Brave News. Is there a way to undo this payment?

@Zraptr the setting is always on by default and you have to turn it off. If you linked your Android to your Uphold account and had it on, then it would have taken the BAT as the settings told it to. I’m assuming you likely never turned it off and this is your issue.

Anyway, it’s up to the discretion of Support if they wish to refund that BAT to you. Generally once it’s sent as a contribution/tip, it’s immediately passed on to Creators and Brave would have to eat the cost if they do refund it. (In other words, it can’t be reversed. Instead they would have to just pay you out of their own pocket and take it as a loss in an attempt to keep you happy. Obviously they can’t do this for everyone as it adds up. If they do it for you, hopefully you’ll appreciate it)

In order to make the request and see if they’d be willing to do it for you, you’ll need to create a Rewards Support Ticket at

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