Audio icon on tabs make it a nightmare to select the tabs

Selecting a tab that is playing an audio is a nightmare when you have too many tabs, you always end up muting the audio instead of selecting the tab since there is nowhere else to click since the X button to close the tab is just right beside it, and don’t get me wrong, i like the function of being able to mute the tabs, it is just that i can’t for the life of me select the tab without muting it first, maybe you guys can come with a solution like when you put your mouse on top of the tab the audio icon appears under it or something like that.


I just realized that the audio icon switches with the X icon, and the X actually vanish if the tab isn’t selected so… i was wrong in my statement, but when you have too many tabs there is still too little space to select the tab instead of muting it

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THIS! I’ve had the same issue. It’s because the Mute button & the Close Tab button share the same icon space within a tab. The way I get around this issue is to have fewer tabs open. This creates more space on each tab. Then I can close some & mute others. When the tabs are too bunched together, the space is collapsed. The mute & close tab icons overlap.