App's Translation to PT-BR (complementing)

Description of the issue:
After the three last updates, if I’m not wrong, some menu items are no longer translated as expected. I think this is happening to all non English language devices, but I’m focusing here just on PT-BR.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Set the device’s language to Portuguese-Brazil;
  2. See the screenshots below with all the menu items that are not translated.

Expected result:
It would be perfect to have again all the menu items with the correct translation.

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Mobile Device details
Samsung Galaxy S8
Android 9

Additional Information:
I’m putting here all the expected menu items description:

10 - Permitir que os sites verifiquem se você tem formas de pagamento salvas
11 - 5 sites
12 - Menos de 1 MB

Description of the issue:
After the three last updates, if I’m not wrong, some menu items are no longer translated as expected. I think this is happening to all non English language devices, but I’m focusing here just on PT-BR.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Set the device’s language to Portuguese-Brazil;
  2. See the screenshots below with all the menu items that are not translated.

Expected result:
It would be perfect to have again all the menu items with the correct translation.

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Mobile Device details
Samsung Galaxy S8
Android 9

Additional Information:
I’m putting here all the expected menu items description:

1 - A conexão é segura
2 - Suas informações (por exemplo, senhas ou números de cartão de crédito) permanecem privadas quando são enviadas para esse site.
3 - Informações do certificado
4 - Sua conexão com foi criptografada usando um pacote de criptografia moderno.
5 - A conexão usa TLS 1.3.
6 - A conexão foi criptografada e autenticada utilizando CHACHA20_POLY1305 e usa X25519 como mecanismo de troca de chave.
7 - O que são essas informações?
8 - Abrir guias em guias personalizadas
9 - Sobre o Software Brave

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