Antivirus ESET blocks located in brave.exe in my documents

Antivirus “ESET Endpoint Security 7.3.2039.0” blocks address and shows location in brave.exe in my documents. My company told me to remove Brave and use only Chrome.

What can I do to avoid these security issue with ESET? I love brave and want to use it further.

It probably has nothing to do with brave. ESET may block URL or IP on customer PC or network administrator can use ESET product to block access there for whole company network. Can you access it with any other browser? And please can you post “” IP resolved from your company?

ip address is

It happends every time I start the Brave Browser, only on start.

It is some kind of IP to country localisation service. You may try to redirect domain name “” to localhost/loopback IP by editing windows hosts file.

add line:

to the file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

It may help if ESET blocks that IP. But I don’t know how it affects brave browser :slight_smile:

I will try it, but I hope that there will be a good solution of brave developers, because I love brave.

I have tried the offered solution with loopback. For 3 days I have not got any messages from ESET antivirus program.

I believe, the problem is solved. Hope, this message will never appear again.

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