Answer to How To Fix Gmail SMTP server Error

SMTP server errorsstrong text can occur when trying to send email through Gmail using an email client or app. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and fix SMTP server errors in Gmail:

1.Check your internet connection: Make sure you have a stable internet connection and that your network is not blocking SMTP traffic.
2.Check Gmail server status: Verify if there is any issue with Gmail server by checking the Gmail Status Dashboard.
3.Check SMTP server settings: Ensure that you have entered the correct SMTP server settings for Gmail. The SMTP server for Gmail is and the port number is 465 or 587. Also, make sure you have enabled the “Allow less secure apps” option in your Gmail account settings.
4.Disable antivirus or firewall temporarily: Disable any antivirus or firewall programs temporarily as they may be blocking the SMTP traffic.
5.Enable Two-factor authentication: Enable two-factor authentication for your Gmail account as it can improve the security of your account.
6.Use Google’s SMTP relay service: Google’s SMTP relay service allows you to send email from your own email address and domain using Google’s SMTP servers. You can find more information on Google’s SMTP relay service in the Google Workspace Admin Help Center.
7.Contact Gmail support: If none of the above steps work, you can contact Gmail support for further assistance.

By following these steps, you can troubleshoot and fix SMTP server errors in Gmail.

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Thank you for sparing the time trying to help. Highly appreciated. I will just tag this post into the more appropriate topic of Browser Support and change the tag so people can see that this is a solution and not a query about how to fix it.

Thank you for the information — I hope this may help other users.