Another Sound Issue

windows 10 fully updated
latest Brave version
laptop with i7, 16 GB RAM

I can not record audio using Windows Game Recorder
ALT + Win + R

it works with Chrom but not Brave!

In Brave, I hear the audio from the laptop speakers, it just does not record.

I have changed the window game setting as suggested in other posts on here

RECORD ALL is checked under the CAPTURE settings

if i play a you tube video (

this is an ELO track - but any track but any track has the same issue

i get the audio from the speakers when the clip is playing but the recorded clip is silent.

i have tried it in the default youtube window size, i have made the video full screen - still no audio.

if i have brave and chrom open simultaniously then chrom wont record, i have to close brave to get the audio to record in chrom.

i am assuming it’s some sort of shield effect.

can anyone provide any suggestions?


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