Android Spotify PWA Freezes When It Comes to Ad


So I installed Spotify as an “app” on my Pixel through Brave, and whenever it gets to where an ad should be (free tier), it just freezes the app, and stops playing music. I have to close it and reopen it for it to play music again.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Navigate to on the Android Brave Browser
  2. Tap the 3 dot menu, tap on Add to Home Screen
  3. Tap Install on the pop up that shows
  4. Open the Spotify PWA on your home screen.
  5. Listen until it comes to when an ad would play, and music stops playing until I close the PWA and reopen it.

Expected result:

  • Spotify ads are skipped and the music continues to play

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Brave-Beta 1.74.36, Chromium 132.0.6834.57

Mobile Device details
Google Pixel 6a
Android 15; Build/BP11.241121.010

Additional Information:
I tried to clear cache, and even went as far as clearing browser data, re-syncing, and reinstalling Spotify PWA.
I made sure the Shield Content Filter Lists were updated as well.

Is it really work? I will do it maybe

The only problem is that it doesn’t let you access your library from the PWA. So I just use it to listen to playlists, radios, or look up stuff manually.