All Tabs (youtube) in Saved Groups Inaccessible After Brave/Computer Restart

Description of the issue:

My browser was running very slowly, and my computer quickly began to overheat, which I understood was likely due to having many tabs open (approximately 10 groups). To manage this, I enabled the “Save Group” option and hid the groups. After that, I closed the browser and restarted my Mac.

When I reopened Brave, all of the groups were saved, but the tabs within them were “Unsavable” and unusable. When I expanded a group, all of the tabs opened as new, blank tabs instead of the saved ones. I noticed that this issue primarily affected YouTube tabs, while other sites seemed to be saved correctly. It would have been helpful to know beforehand that YouTube tabs cannot be saved, as most of the content in my groups was from YouTube, and those tabs were essentially lost.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Open 2 new tabs.
  2. Open on both
  3. Select 2 videos
  4. Group the 2 tabs
  5. Give the Group a Name (not sure if this is neccessary)
  6. Enable “Save Group”
  7. Enable “Hide Group”
  8. Restart your computer

Expected result:

Expected, as in what happened to me: when hovering above the group both tabs will be displayed as “Unsavable Tab” and when you expand the Group 2 new blank tabs will be opened instead of the original ones.

Expected, as in what I would like to have happened: expand the group and all of the saved tabs are saved and can be accessed

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Version 1.65.126 Chromium: 124.0.6367.118 (Official Build) (arm64)

Additional Information:

  1. Is there any way to recover the tabs?
  2. What could I have done to avoid this?
  3. Will this be fixed, or was this an error on my part?

Opened Group:

Unopened Group Youtube + other site:

Unopened Group Youtube:

I too have had some issue with the Tab Groups. Not sure what I may have done, but several browser windows open, about four tab groups, and just noticed suddenly only one tab group remains. Kind of bummed to have lost those sites…

Curious if there is any way to get them back.

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I too am curious, I lost access to about 50-70 tabs, I think.
The worst thing is that it’s not like they were closed (because then I could just find them in the browser history), but it seems they were almost corrupted or something