AI on mobile browser


How do I get suggested headings/search options when I begin to type a search into my Brave browser on an Android smartphone? I am offered none.

Also, when I click on search and am taken to a page, I am not being offered the AI answer at top of page as I am on the desktop browser. I was at one point, but no longer?

Many thanks…

Hello! Go to your Brave browser settings, Search Engines, select Show search suggestions.

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So very grateful. Thanks for taking the time and affording me the benefit of your knowledge. Much appreciated.

Are you also able to help in regard to switching the AI topic answers at top of the page when I search…I do have the Answer with AI enabled, but still nothing??

AI summarizing is dependent on the query being entered. In some cases, you may not see something populate.

However, check Brave browser settings, Leo, and make sure Show autocomplete suggestions in address bar is selected. Thanks!

My thanks to you for staying with me on this…whereas I am offered a Leo option under settings on my laptop browser (and get AI suggestions on that) I am not offered a Leo option under settings on the Andriod smartphone app? You seem to have discovered the problem, but no idea (at this end) how to add leo to the options…?

Thanks, again!

Not a problem!

On Android, it can be found under the three dots, then scroll down to Settings , Leo, Show autocomplete suggestions in address bar

For once, I was following the correct route, the three dots at bottom right (as you look at it) of screen, settings…but no Leo offered in settings.

I have: Brave shields and privacy; Brave News; Brave Firewall; Search engines; homepage; home screen widget; Brave password manager; Sync; Privacy report; Notifications; Site settings; downloads; closing all tabs; Open external links in Brave; Media; Appearance; New tab page; Accessibility; Languages; payments methods; addresses and more; auto-fill in private tabs; rate Brave; About Brave.

No Leo…?

What version of Android and Brave are you using?

Android version 12. Brave Application version 1.74.48 and Operating system Andriod 12