Adjust address bar size

Hey @brohan
So I haven’t used Manjaro myself, but more often than not most Linux’s are relatively the same under the hood.

Now whereas also Brave is based on Chromium, a Chrome branch, it in theory should have Chrome dev tool support.
Try the following ideas if this sounds applicable:

First I found was this
“In Ubuntu 18.10, the scaling factor can be found/changed by installing Gnome Tweaks and then navigating to the ‘Fonts’ tab.”

There was another idea that was in anarticle I found, it stated the following.

"1. Go to your Settings → Displays
2. Note what the value of the slider is at “Scale for menu and title bars” (mine was 1.5)
3. Open a terminal
4. sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop
5. Find this line:

Exec=/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable %U

  1. Change it to this (where n is the value you noted in step #2):

Exec=/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable --force-device-scale-factor=n %U

  1. Save/close, relaunch Chrome.

Unfortunately this doesn’t seem to work with VS Code, but that’s less of an issue, as you can simply zoom out (View Menu → Zoom Out), and it affects the entire UI.

Explanation: Ubuntu applies a system-wide scaling factor to the UI in hi-DPI monitors. Chrome thinks it’s so special, so it ignores that and does its own thing.

The link above recommends changing to a 1 scaling factor, but this is the equivalent of 0 scaling (not OK for hi-dpi).

By mirroring the system scale factor, you bring Chrome in-line w/ everything else."

Hope this helped!

