Add possibility to hide token with 0$ value

Description of the issue:

Add possibility to hide token with 0$ value on the new Brave Wallet, so the interface will be less confusionary and you will only see tokens with an effective value or tokens that you really own.

Brave Version (check About Brave): Version 1.45.59 Chromium: 106.0.5249.40


Are you able to change the order of the tags to have the “feature-request” first?
I guess that’s the only way to have the vote button visible. It would be great if other users could vote on your suggestion.

@BIOLorenz A way to do that is- login to Brave Wallet, go to Visible assets and uncheck all the tokens that have zero value.

Well, the first one is category. So person who posted this topic put it in Brave Wallet category rather than Feature Request.

Yes, they put feature request as a tag, but like you said, that doesn’t put the vote. OP could move it to new category, someone with high trust level can move it (including me), or just leave it here where Wallet team has seen it and we do like Hub mentioned, everyone just hits :heart: as a “vote” and to show support.


Closed the issue mentioned above as it’s a dupe of Put a message on our internal chat to try to get it prioritized.

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