Ad income decadence

Hello everybody. This topic is probably more profitable than Brave ads. Funny? I fixed the problem of: not showing ads, but now… How much is paying the great Brave of justice for a popup ad?

The amazing amount of: BAT 0.001 !

Brave, Bravo!


Yes i think this is very little, i clicked in 228 ads, but i don’t reach 1 BAT it’s laugh to keep from crying. :sob:

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Strange. But yea. Worth of ads have been going down. But at the beginning of the month, BAT was pretty high. That affected the price per ad.

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Strange, it’s low for me since the begining of the month, i activated 10 ads per hour, it’s still low in this month.

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It’s not giving 10 ads per hour unless each one is relevant. You can have up to 10 relevant ads per hour shown and earned from. Do you know how to get relevant ads?

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You do not have to click on the ads to be rewarded. From

Users are rewarded for viewing ad notifications as they appear in Brave. Users are not rewarded for clicking on ads.

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Yes it’s activated, 10 ads per hour.

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Brave tracks your engagement. When you do click a link, it shows to advertisers in what equates to a like, or positive engagement

Relevance is interest based, and they keep track of our interests in hopes of showing us something we engage with.

If you’re not engaging with anything, brave has less ads available to offer you. it’s relevance based, and there’s a way to view your ad engagement history on desktop. Not sure about mobile phone.

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How to see my engagement? I open 10~20 tabs in brave everyday, open inumerous kinds of things and brave have nothing to show me? It doesn’t make sense, for me it’s like brave is decreasing more and more the value of ads.

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