Missing the ability to read selected text aloud. This is an essential accessibility feature for anyone who has problems with their eyes.
@sk61109, this is something that has been heard before and is on the table for consideration. However, it’s currently a lower priority because there are already extensions and options available on most devices to address this. People who have visual impairments typically use these other programs or extensions, including the screen readers that come natively with Android, Windows, iOS, and other platforms.
That’s true but the quality of them varies drastically and I would prefer built in solutions because I don’t like all the permissions and access I have to give extensions. It seems like Brave prioritizes security and the user a lot, and that’s why I switched to it. So giving that up to extensions because Brave doesn’t have features I need is counter productive and completely against why I switched.
Also in general built in readers seem better. Like Word’s reader is really good and so far the extensions I’ve tried don’t seem that good. And separate screen reader programs you often have to pay regularly for and read lots of things you don’t want them to, stuff like the close button and things on the browser itself not within it on what you select.
I agree, @sk61109. This is one of the many things that I and others have requested. However, when this has been brought up to developers and executives at Brave, they’ve mentioned that they currently lack the resources needed to address many of these requests. They are still operating with a relatively small team and a limited budget.
To give some context, if you check out https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues, you’ll see there are over 5,000 issues reported and being worked on.
One of those issues is actually a read-aloud feature. It has been labeled as P3, but it was recently moved to the P3 backlog. For perspective, “P” stands for priority. To explain the ranking, in my own words:
- P1 is immediate
- P2 is significant
- P3 means it’s on the list but may take some time
- P4 indicates that it might take a long time, if it gets done at all.
A link to the an issue requesting screen reader (read aloud) is below, if you’re interested:
I guess all of the above to say it’s not like they are saying no, but just that the priority isn’t as high as many other things on the list. So there’s no immediate ETA or promises on it.
Ok, thanks for the thorough explanation!