So I disconnected my publishing creator rewards from Uphold because they kept charging $3 to send currency to external wallets. That defeats the whole purpose of crypto currency. So I connected to Gemini and my rewards aren’t matching my wallet in Gemini.
My balance in the creators publishing is about 29 BAT’s. My balance in Gemini is $0.00.
How can I either send my crypto to an external wallet or get Gemini to reflect my publishing rewards?
How do I send the balance from the publishing to an external wallet? It’s similar to telling someone that they have a house but they can’t have access to their own property.
Also I didn’t disconnect Uphold until September 6, 2020. Why didn’t My BAT transfer into Uphold if what you are saying is true? I’ve had those BAT’s over 2 months and they never deposited into Uphold at all so why would the deposit into Gemini next month?