A way to whitelist some sites with badly working GPDR?

Description of the issue: I would like to keep on using “Trackers & ads blocking: standard” or even “aggressive”, but unfortunately this will lead to some websites not working, because of their obtrusive GPDR modal. Is there a way to easily whitelist the problematic sites so that they’d bypass Brave’s trackers/ads blocking?

How can this issue be reproduced? In Europe, go to any such sites. For example: topautoosat dot fi

Expected result: Easier way around this than going to settings, turning trackers/ads blocking disabled, refreshing page, clicking OK to gdpr, going back to settings and enabling trackers/ads blocking. And then doing this all over again at some point.

Brave Version: v1.70.123 (Official build)

Additional Information: OS: Windows 10

In a new Brave Browser window, go to:


Select the Advanced tab

Set Time range to “All time”

ENABLE everything except:

  • Passwords and other sign-in data

(Myself, I would NOT make that exception)
(because I would have a backup prepared.)
(In other words, be prepared.)

Click on the “Clear data” button

Let us say that your website of interest, is:

  • https://www.website_of_interest.com

In a New Window, go to brave://settings/cookies

Scroll down that settings page, to Sites that can always use cookies

Click the Add button

Enter [*.]website_of_interest.com as the site . . . but do not Enable the following:

  • Current Private session only
  • Including third-party cookies on this site

Click the Add button

Next, go to brave://settings/content/javascript

Scroll down that javascript settings page to Allowed to use javascript

Click the Add button

Enter [*.]website_of_interest.com as the site . . . but do not Enable the following:

  • Current Private session only

Click the Add button

Thanks 289wk! Well, this is even more complex as I thought. But if this is the easiest way at the moment, then I’ll have to mark it as a solution.

Here’s a feature request I found. If this is something you’d want to see in Brave, go on and vote, please:

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