A few questions to reward system

  1. No, ads you see on websites have nothing to do with Rewards. You can and should keep Shields up and have those blocked.

  2. The X per hour is for notification ads only. And it is the maximum amount and isn’t a guarantee how many you’ll get. Notification ads show in your notification center overall, though newer Brave versions are starting to show as a little temporary window that you can drag to any place along the edge of your browser.

3 & 4. Types of ads you may want to check What types of ads are there?

Pay varies. Often we can use https://sampson.codes/brave/ads/my_region/ to see ad campaigns in your area. If you need help understandng it a bit better, I have an old topic on it at , which OS they are available on, the maximum times you can view those ads, which type of ad they are, how much they pay, etc.

I have an old topic explaining everything on that site if you need help understanding it. You can find that at Understanding Brave Ads Catalog Viewer