5-10 seconds delay between websites or refreshes

Whenever I try to surf the web with my desktop browser, I get huge delays. Five to 10 seconds of idling before the page changes or refreshes. It’s also intermittent: some days all is well, but others, the problem is constant and can last for days.
How can this issue be reproduced?

Change page or refresh an open page.

Expected result: No delay. Edge is infinitely faster than Brave, most of the time.

Brave Version( check About Brave): Desktop v1.63.169

Additional Information:
The issue appeared after I moved in april, so it may be linked to my new modem and router. I’m using stock settings though, so I’m not sure how. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling without an improvement. I cleared the cache and it did nothing.

Bumping related threads. Thought it was just me. Noticeably slower loading of every website, but I haven’t fretted per se. It’s only like 2 seconds for me on MacOS. The spinning circle thing appears on the tab icon.

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