25 BAT minimum for Wallet

So I can’t transfer in 25 BAT so that I can actually setup a wallet? It will take me months to earn 25 BAT. Is this my only choice, wait until I earn 25 of them?
As far as I can tell, I can’t verify my Uphold wallet until I reach 25 BAT.
Can someone please unconfuse me?

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Soon they should be dropping the limit down to 15 BAT. I think within the next few updates or so.


Wow, thanks for your reply! I appreciate it.
So it is true that I need 25 for now, and that I can’t transfer in BAT from another wallet?

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I believe 25 for now. I am trying to find the post I believe @Mattches confirmed the reduction on. As for transferring in BAT i have no idea. I do believe if you have Brave on a desktop / laptop the needed amount is well under 15. Something like 5 if I am not mistaken. Then once you verify the wallet finally once you connect it to mobile you would not need to wait that long process. Because I know for certain I never got 25 BAT on my mobile.

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My laptop Brave install requires 25 at this time. But if it is going down to 15, I can deal with that.
Thanks again!

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If you use Brave daily you should probably expect to see 15 BAT in maybe 3-5 months.

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Excellent!. I already have 7 :slight_smile:

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Oh nice. Probably just 2 months then!

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Again. Really appreciate your time!

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