1 usd per referral. lol im done!

Thanks for the clarification, Alex.

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Please change this to;

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Alex, is Brave expiring the referral program on 31st December as it was planned earlier or is it being extended with the new tier system ?


I wanted to stay silent but if this a business logic why is South Africa Not on the list. South Africa is the only African country with the ads in testing based on Brave-core code.

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Does this update means that Brave will expand their referral program? Since the beginning this program needed to end in 31. December 2019.

I couldnā€™t find any information regarding that.

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Thanks for calling that out @Dgenies. Iā€™ll check up with the team.

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@kruzalexannder @ernests1 I do not have any information regarding expiration of the referral program. I personally do not recall hearing about it, but will double check.


That wouldnā€™t just be ā€˜cheating the systemā€™, that would be fraud.

We already have anti-fraud measures in place. Itā€™s not our operating model to discuss the specifics of what is being done as that would teach fraudsters what to do next. :grinning:


This information can be found on your website - https://brave.com/refer/

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Is Hungary ad supported country or not? Because as far I know it is. So why is in a lower category?

ā€œBrave Ads are available today in the U.S., Canada, France, Germany, and the U.K, with more countries on the way in Europe and Asia.ā€ - if you add other countries, are they going to rank up in tier level?

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y Venezuela que? que hago con mi link de referidos, porque ni siquiera carga.

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I am asking again. If you guys add new countries to ad supported regions, are those countries from tier 3-4-5 etc. going to rank up?

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I was given a new referral link, after which all downloads and installations are zero. Will I get paid for them?

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Itā€™s more that Brave would most likely lose a lot of money because of the limited advertisers in that country so itā€™s not feacible for them to continue it.

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@alex how do i know that someone from tier 2 country use my referral link?

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Loving this since most of my traffic is USA or Tier 2 anyways.

As for the person saying Philippines should be Tier 4, no it should not.

Itā€™s a matter of economies. Ph is worthless for traffic. Even if you get a lot of eyeballs it doesnā€™t translate into sales or income to the advertiser. It should be happy to even be on a tier at all. I personally would block it and have done so in the past. Certain countries are mostly bots with no real revenue generated.

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@Omniscient such view of other regions isnā€™t nice and factual. We arenā€™t bots. At least I am not one and am based in Nigeria.

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Iā€™m guessing that it has less to do with the country itself and more to do with the supported advertisersā€™ marketing and demographic appeal. It may be that Hungary is not considered an especially lucrative market for Braveā€™s current pool of advertisers. I do not know much about your country but I imagine it has a relatively large base of potential consumers. Maybe there are laws, tariffs, policies, or something that makes Hungary a difficult place for Braveā€™s advertisers to reach?
I do notice that many other Eastern European nations are also on tier 4; Estonia, Latvia, Croatia, Czechia, Serbia, all of the Balkan states in fact, and Turkey. Russia, Saudi Arabia, Poland, and the entirety of Latin America is tier 4, in fact. Compare Hungary and the other tier 4 with the tier 3 countries and what do you notice? Tier 3 is very Eurocentric, strong economies. Tier t 2 even more so, and with very strong cultural, linguistic, and economic ties to the only Tier 1 country on the list. I hope that helps!


Thatā€™s totally fair, but you must understand that many people have a very dim of countries that have earned a bad reputation, and Nigeria is near the top of that list.

Anyone who spends more than five seconds thinking about it will understand that such bad reputations are often the fault of a very small percentage of the population. Unfortunately, most people do not spend more than five seconds thinking about such things. From a logical, and perhaps unsympathetic perspective, however, if the Nigerian government and Nigerian society cannot reign in the amount of fraud being perpetrated upon millions of people worldwide by certain members of the Nigerian citizenry, then perhaps such distrust is not misplaced?

I say this as an American, whose country is guilty of far worse crimes than simply failing to subdue international email fraudsters. Then again, we have also saved the world from socialist despotism and global tyranny while also exporting capitalist and democratic ideals which have raised the standard of living for billions of people, so Iā€™m not exactly ashamed of my country. Iā€™m just realistic. And so should you be. Nigeria has a bad international reputation, and it is incumbent upon the good people of your country to change that. Godspeed to you.

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This point is still unclear to me. What if a tier-4 user installs on September 30th, but then confirms on November 15th?

Is the rate determined by the date of install ($5) or the date of confirmation ($2)?